Words, Words, Words - it's only words (Jul/21/2009 )
...bulls-eye dr H.....and they are only for the skilled and the brave....have a good night then...
friends close, enemies closer
Morning troops- are we all syched up for the battle of the ice's- Ice hockey and figure skating?..I think we'll be having another lunch round the lab tv today.
sun tzu
definately got my war paint on to watch the ladies figure skating.
of course, the war paint is actually glitter.
sun tan
glittery war paint is so much better
I"ll be camoflauged in my white coat
good morning guys. I wish people here had some interest in anything outside this wall. I think of sitting with ojii/obaasans at hospital outpatients waiting room to watch the games.
Maybe they're secretly watching it on their phones?
I think you should join the obaasans and ojiisans in the waiting room- at least it will be more cozy
yeah, I suspect that. I should try finding somewhere it shows live streaming or will watch recorded later
role play
Lets face it, they won't stop showing repeats of this for along time, even if they don't win (and lets face it, they probably won't get gold)
dress up
what time is it starting at?
Hi, V. Are U following winter olympics?