Words, Words, Words - it's only words (Jul/21/2009 )
just like you........to quote a cliche: it's like the pot calling the kettle hashish....
again mean bias by you.... I need a butler.... someone how irons my newspaper and makes perfect tea...not a moody woman
or someone who'd iron your clothes while you're wearing them......a butler, really? you can't afford one so you better train yourself to do stuff....
that would *you* do .....and I'm trained except ironing clothes, that's what I really don't need...
and btw butler also would feed the spider...
then you better provide good health insurance benefits...the butler for sure will suffer from PTSS brought about by your nasty spider......it eats beavers, right?
it eats also naughty little girls if it's grumpy and the butler gets a "premium loading for substandard risks" or whatever...and protective clothing if a wimp like you
Gulf States
but you've to be very careful when choosing the butler...all that's needed is an industrial, power-suction vacuum cleaner and while cleaning the floor and the cage with all its dirty beddings, the spider can be accidentally "cleaned" too....so there..no more PTSS..and protective clothing.....
@ cas: no therapy yet. I am finishing up inthe lab. I'm done in 63 minutes.
I may have just got the best b-day gift ever--an advisor! yay!
then have a nice weekend...and an advisor for what?
@casey We also follow the animal welfare regulations...such cleaners are prohibited here...
oops, excuse me
a graduate advisor. Thanks, you too hob.