Words, Words, Words - it's only words (Jul/21/2009 )
Grey Cup
hey guys...another warm beautiful day here ...hola tj...howz the thesis coming along?
hey cas-sandy. i actually prefer sandy to cas, what do you think?
thesis coming along well me thinks (?)
touch of grey
hi people, the weather sucks as usual
grey area
hah...too bad dr H .....here it's turned cloudy but still ok....and I don't like to be called sandy, tj...it sounds rough....
grey matter
doesn't it remind you of the beach in the caribbean? doesn't need to be rough.
hi hobs. did any of you get to see venus this morning?
grey goose
Hi Mlle C and hi TJ
yes sandy reminds of sandpaper or deserts...
and it was much too early TJ, and it was cloudy anyway...I'll watch the next in a few years
goose bumps
perhaps it's better- rocky or pebbly......and yup, I saw Venus' transit...on tv...really cool...
Gus Goose
Hamada or Sarir then and yes on TV...anyway the next is coming early enough for me
..yup, sarir is not so bad...but I prefer something more cute and refined..like Dusty....
that reminds me of my storeroom