Words, Words, Words - it's only words (Jul/21/2009 )
which I'd be doing soon........you see my perfect prediction, Lost-san, I shld start training to be a horoscopiologist.....and I'm great, BB-san...nothing much is new except for the Stanley Cup playoffs....hows it at your end? Stati or Manu or Sensei blues....
how do you sleep?
all of themよ.Tie-hen.
good night, sleep tight.
like a log
LiL - you rock
YRH - good night, sleep tight
Doki - hello
floating on water!!
hey all!!
hey you
hey V3... wassup MATE!!!
awrightmate, stuck behind a desk, could be worse.
how are you going? Alright?
yeah fine!!! stuck in front of the desk!! my boss's desk!!!
stuck infront of a desk and chatting on a forum? you're brave.
music awards
he s gone out for a while!!!
nice... he got a cal... he has to go sumwhere!!! so now u know my braveness comes from my luck!!! lol!!!