Words, Words, Words - it's only words (Jul/21/2009 )
hey lab rat-san......that was really funny...isogashii is probably the better word (like I wasn't today)...it's like the difference between being busy and having a burn-out...what do you guys think, BB, Lost?
shocked foreigners
Both would apply, in my case!
Stunned mullets
@Casandra and LaRa : this is the first time I heard the word (awatadashii) and I can't not agree with Casandra; but she knows this word? I have more evidence to believe she is one of 'them'. I should chart my evidences, summarise, and publish some day. . but I will need sincere coauthors to help me.
Ohayo minna san!
What a great word! my first time hearing it too. That summed up my afternoon yesterday nicely- I had to compensate with some chocolate intake. my favourite word at the moment is "betsubara" (I have one for chocolate!)
@ Nabi-san, I think you're right...maybe we should make a questionaire to tease out the truth.
Swanny- that word reminds me of the old masterchef host in the UK, Lloyd Grossman, he was always saying "deliberating, cogitating and digesting"
and the incompleteness of it all........hey guys, you can tease out all you want (a complete waste of time, tho) cos I'm definitely not one of them...besides, LaRa-san is the one who pulled that word out of her nihongo hat....I don't think that they can be used interchangeably but I could be wrong...
I have no idea if they can be used interchangeably, never heard the word being used till now. . or may be the ears-hear-what-mind-knows phenomenon.
By the way, what happened after autoclaving the beaver_?
that means you've not been "interacting" a lot ...I heard it once or twice but we need a real japanese to sort it out for us...yeah, we completely forgot about the beaver and the barber....tsutsugi wa......ashta, do?
oyasumi guys...