Words, Words, Words - it's only words (Jul/21/2009 )
what challenge?
But I meant generally, here in the forum it's of course a bit boring...
no-Hindi-for-a-day challenge.
well, only for the Indian party a challenge
Sarbhī manuṣyōn̐ kō gaurav aur adhikārōn̐ kē māmalē mēn̐ janmajāt svatantratā aur samānatā prāpt hai. Unhēn̐ buḍhi aur antarātmā kī dēn hai aur paraspar unēn̐ bhāīcārē kē bhāv sē bartāv karanā cāhiyē.
now, what was that? Are U on something or what?
that's Hindi, a wonderful text btw....
yeah, I had an idea that's Hindi but what did it mean?
That's it:
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
(Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights)
speaking of the royal she-devil.......so my challenge was accepted? hey BB-san and dr H....at least you didn't quote the mahabharata, dr H....
yeah. Wrong person is speaking Hindi today and that also something from out of this world.
And, Hob. . did U get why your 'tera' was followed by 'mera' ?
I thought of the Kama sutra, but didn't found the Hindi version so fast
nope nabi, still don't know what mera is...