Words, Words, Words - it's only words (Jul/21/2009 )
you dream on, sweetie ...and I'll set up your alarm clock to full blast....
Arab League
and your dream is over when I set your air-conditioning to freeze mode
Allied Forces
but you're the one who's gonna freeze anyways- ..you and Spidey...the winter wimps....
Warsaw Pact
actually almost never, I'm not like you with survival kits and lots of winter equipment. but I wonder about what would happen if I put ice cubes to your fish?
Geneva Convention
nothing....it's well-trained...how about if I drop Spidey in the freeezing tank? Have a great rest of the Sunday...my DOD.....
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
it would bite you before.... ...have a good Sunday too YCT
Universal Health Care
Seems I'm alone here now. That's a first.
of course you're not........but am leaving soon too....howz the Sunday so far LaRa....don't tell us you're still working?
Hey casey, I'm sort-of working...I downloaded Zotero to organize my lit review articles. (Thanks for the tip, BB-san!) I have read 4 or 5 full articles,, the same number of abstracts, and several technical pages; I think my head is about to impolode.
How's your weekend?
two-tiered health care system
erm...hmm...<coughs>...as busy too, you know....busy.... <coughs again>.......my gosh, we shld be scraping your brains off the floor by now...and that's messy....why don't you take a break for a while and do something else..like drink beer.....