Words, Words, Words - it's only words (Jul/21/2009 )
Ottawa is probably closer? but the milder temps in Venice has nothing to do with its latitude anyways...
hey guys...a happy Thursday to all...
Morning all...
hello people.
Post and run- gotta a train to catch....
Hi and bye Lost...
queen of the damned
hi hobs.
queens of the stone age
Hi TJ, still working?
3's & 7's
yup. rearranging results to make everything fit into one nice story... once upon a time there was a happy plant...
Era Vulgaris
....and plant and parasite lived happily ever after...if you work with that, not sure about
dawn of a new era
I'm still in the "when humans came and broke the natural balance of life by establishing monocrops and destroying the land, the terrible parasitic lord emerged from the darkness killing cereals as avidly as a vampire thirsty for blood"