Words, Words, Words - it's only words (Jul/21/2009 )
well my leisure time is too lazy for that
(wow 1992 pages... o.o)
hi metaltemujin.....we're aiming for a million replies so you can calculate how many pages that would be.... btw....only the brave dare come here and we have a kind of painful initiation protocol...are you ready for it?
...and what an intriguing name....I can't imagine Genghis listening to heavy metal....
and now we're approaching the pagenumber with Mlle C's birthday
Oh? Challenge accepted. hope its not too much of a PITA.
btw, your one of the few people i guess who knows temujin as Genghis's name. Made this name a long time ago... basically "Metal" was to signify "Future" or "Advanced", so put 2 and 2 together
and you're twice my age dr H...so you don't need to divulge more sensitive info.......
the future Genghis Khan...my gosh, you're super delusional so welcome to our exclusive club...actually- you just passed the foyer...
mano? what's that? :| *googles*
I see that I've just met the forum trolls thank you for the speedy induction. I am highly charged.
trolls? s*$#&%!
...let's kick him out of the door, dr H.....
well, factotums would be more fitting and the who calls the others trolls is one himself or herself
OH my lord, I have offended thy great ones within few lines of our conversation! I am a troll, in topics which requires trolling don't like messing up good topics or discussions.
After 1992 pages (note: NOT replies)... what do I take of you? book lovers?
Edit: and I deny your argument hobglobin - As if it held true, what do you make of judges who pass judgement on people as vicious criminals?