Words, Words, Words - it's only words (Jul/21/2009 )
just tell me when, dr H...and tj, better prepare the red carpet treatment...
i don't know if it is because of the clamps. the gel does not leak itself. it's more like one of the samples leaked on to the other wells when i poured it on the stacking gel, i.e. it was poured on the well, then it went all along to the other wells to the other end...
will have to do it again and again and again...
edit: bad grammar...
your plates could be dirty, tj...or really not properly "clamped"...but try and try again ...
el grande
no idea TJ...but Mlle C is the expert...
and red carpet and the most luxurious hotel suite...
bad luck
yeah, i'm on it. updating lab books and stuff... sorting out what went wrong (only on this experiment, not life in general, that would take too long and i kinda have an idea when that was )
black cat
when your life got messed up? Do you want us to speculate on that?
black raven
my guess: PhD starting time...
nah, i think we all know the answer... somewhere along the way hobs...
perhaps you should start a venting and counselling thread in the section, tj...
it's not that bad. nothing that i haven't complained about before in the forum just the frustration of feeling i was good at something in my lab and then what i do here is crap.
also thought being away would scare the devils within, but it hasn't happened yet.