Words, Words, Words - it's only words (Jul/21/2009 )
Especially when its raining and your restriction digest is no good...
is it raining there? Look at U - U have one good reason U don't want to go out; now look at me - the weather is sooo fine outside but I have work to do. For lunch I went out with a bento to a nearby park . . hanami without hana.
hey guys!!!! such a hectic day today!!!!!
post and vanish!!!
I, robot
I don't want to hear that! its the university festival, but it was raining so much we ended up at the boring shokudo for lunch
Univ festival? sorry, didnt know that. That's a bad day then. I feel bad for you .. . hope your experiment works so that U have one good reason to be happy.
Its ok, the festival is on tomorrow- hopefully I can get my falafel fix then
Ah! thats good ; now, where do I get falafel for myself? in my turkish cookbook?
Morning everyone!! I am in my way to enjoy a sunny day!!
good morning, laurequillo.(do U have a shorter nickname?)
What do U have for today?
Well, you can call me LyQ, or Laure or Quillo! . Today is holiday here and sunny (two very strange things!!) so I will take the bycicle or the skates and I will go to the park to get some sun in my not-used-to-the-sun-anymore skin!