Words, Words, Words - it's only words (Jul/21/2009 )
hey lq! good luck with the job application!
lq... new research institute in lisbon is looking for ~150 cancer researchers. Not sure if you're interested, but the place is The Champalimaud Foundation, everything is brand spanking new, they have a really nice coffee machine and views of the ocean to die for.
hello peoples!
welcome back v
hello again tj.
figuring out the scotish conference (i'm getting a t-shirt, how awesome is that?)... so, where is the best pub in edinburgh?
also, how is edinburgh pronounced?
what's on the t-shirt? does it have the cookie monster? in edinburgh (pronounced ed-in-burr-ə according to wikipedia) there are loads of pubs, but i remember there's a place that has whisky tasting nights...
- for holidays
i think the shirt would have to have some fishies on it.
i'm not there yet, and i'm already getting tipsy!
always ready
something like this?
The Hebrides has a pretty good reputation- close to Waverly on Market street.
But if you find some good places- let me know, I'm up there in August.
Edinburgh- Like TJ says, just give the rrrrr a good roll and add an 'uh' afterwards and you'll be almost local. (Ed-din-burrrr-uh)
hi lil, i like the hebrides suite, used to play it in the concert band i was in
my fishy shirt has a fish in tartan. not as cool as nemo though .
edinbur-ra. now gotta practice my faux scottish accent. 'allo gov-na... wait that's english.
any chance LiL could come up for a day? would be nice to put a face to a name.