Words, Words, Words - it's only words (Jul/21/2009 )
you didn't understand the modern Olympic idea, Mlle C...the teams should not wear something nice and comfortable, but it's a pricey order for one of the big fashion companies and/or designers (here Bogner) to increase their sales
and though I don't want to defend these ugly duds, at least it doesn't look like a military uniform, as some other teams wear
well, now it's all about business and profit...and the pink and blue suits are more hiphoppy than military...and just look at our healthy athletes...
why do you mention healthy?
and with military I meant these dudes:
that this is a team for Olympic games I wouldn't have thought when I saw it
bec they look all very healthy and happy..hopefully, they would win something...anything.....
and this was what they wore during the Vancouver Olympics: they look pretty similar...
in lockstep to the victory or what?
and healthy: luckily no unathletic officials where on the photo
something like that or marching to the fashion tune of Ralph Lauren.... and the unhealthy officials were in the back...
and now time to get busy once again...have a good night my darling blue and pink suits old dude...enjoy your Sunday then...
I guess in 10 years also hand grenade throwing is an Olympic discipline
bye darling the healthy and hopefully not marching RH...enjoy your sportive and healthy Saturday activities too
in your dystopic world perhaps....
A happy Sunday guys....
well I knew a country where they learned it in the normal school sports (but it was a dystopic country
hi people
head hunters
sure, sure...I wonder which country it was...
hey guys..a very hot and beautiful Sunday to all...