Words, Words, Words - it's only words (Jul/21/2009 )
GT means....genotypic??? yeah
Oh Boy...since when???? U already did some work with them??? or are u yet to give ur samples??
in this relation "Gran Tourisme"....?
Not the Gran Turismo, Hob....
y GoGo??? ur tone doesn't sound good 2 me....something wrong???
Nothing wrong Div, I was with them until Sep this year...If u did some expts before, then its likely that I know ur samples if not u
Thats unbelievable!! Ok gimme ur Boss's surname..lemme check if it strikes a bell
oh!!! gave the samples this feb........
ok bbye guys.................m leaving
bbye GoGo.....hv a nice wknd! n happy cooking
U running away....answer my question pls
ok then, U have a nice weekend too...7 pm is too much on a saturday...run away ...bye
didn't completely followed your exchange before... this abbrev. and truncated English is laborious to read...and the Hindi anyway impossible
hey Hob, Forget the hindi and the long conversations
In a nutshell, we were discussing abt my cooking experiments, different places to eat and some other nonsense to kill time and the abbreviated talks u referred were that I and DRN might be knowing each other, professionally if not personally as DRN was a client of my previous employer!! ``Do u need more clarity?