Words, Words, Words - it's only words (Jul/21/2009 )
...my life ambition- to destroy as many livers as I can...
and goodnight too my darling dr hobo-of-no-trade old dude...have a good night's rest...you need it for your no-trading tomorrow...sleep tight......
Hi all, how are we travelling?
(sorry been watching star trek recently)
I"m fine today, how are you doing Swanny?
hey Lost-san....hi swanny....so how are we travelling to PI's wedding , I guess? by land, sea, air and twists of imagination ....but you're soo way far far from us....
Well, I thought I would take a camel there- arrive in style or very late with a sore bum . I"m closer than you are to India, its a fairly short hop from here, you could stop off on the way
good morning guys.
Travel plans, eh. I think I am the closest one to PI's place among us (excluding Div). Are there horses in Hokkaido, LiL-san? We can lend PI the horse for his wedding while we dance on the train.
High tea
Morning Nabi-san
There are horses a plenty in Hokkaido- I'm sure we could ship some to India for the wedding, cart pulling is very popular here
yeah, we can do that. We can ship them to India, PI can ride on them to the bride's house, and then we can all have basashi for the dinner.
Do U know any haiku, LiL-san?
古池や 蛙飛込む 水の音
furuike ya kawazu tobikomu mizu no oto
Hows that? Its even Basho
that was beautiful. What does it mean?