Words, Words, Words - it's only words (Jul/21/2009 )
Hi Mlle C...and I'm a realist
BTW there is a new skin for bioforum, and the others got new names
your euphemism for misogynist? ...and hah, wasn't I right about the nu skin with a red (maroon) bioforum logo which I actually didn't imagine myself....it's not so bad too....and who got new names?
Angel Dust
that's your biased interpretation and Blue Sky is a new name or not? anyway the red one is not for me
, though except the colour it's not bad
dust bunny
oh, I thought some members got new names...so what was it before? light blue? couldn't they give better names for the skins (which are really nice btw....)
light blue sounds correct...a more dark green one I'd like, but bioforum seems on the blue way, since this long-lasting Mac-skin. Even the Favicon is now blue...
usually, one will never go wrong with blue (and grey)....but green...hmmm..so-so...depends, I guess...but did you mean the protocol online kind of green or the Martha Stewart green? and I don't even know what Favicon is.....
well that could be a Bill Gates idea when they invented this blue-grey desktop background...an annoying "color"
and a Favicon are the small icons you see in the favourites/bookmarks e.g. on the left side in the web address-bar of the browser (here a blueish V)
and the online kind of green is quite ok
oh yeah, blame everything on Bill Gates.......et au contraire, blue is a very neutral, calm and 'lacking in personality' kind of colour....so it shldn't elicit any feelings of resentment and aggressiveness in anyone...that's why it's quite safe to use it for anything....
..I still don't know which Favicons you're referring to and that PO green is too green I think....
sure...it's boring and annoying, green is much better. Some more gutsfor a good design, darling
and this is the bioforum favicon (the blueish with a V):
..more guts for a good design? That shld be my line, sweetie...but this is a science forum full of very gutsy scientists and researchers...but you're right....we shld have all fluorescent colours or Afremov's palette...
..check this out: