Words, Words, Words - it's only words (Jul/21/2009 )
@GoGo.....koopamansjjdwodwqd.............what is that???
@ PI happy tea time!
ur mallu skills are bad!! koopamandooka ananda was a gr8 saint of 19th century
whats for tea PI, tea and samosa??
hey guys- Div, gogo D, PI......G' morning... at least Moanday is over.....hope you all are having a productive time (just like me even in my sleep) ...now I'm also getting hungry- all this talk about food esp samosas, I shld probably endeavor to study hindi too ....weather is not bad here either.... +5 degrees...anything above 5 is good
....see you guys later....
wrong GoGo, according to "viddhhiakkal" veda, he was a 6th century saint....and now he has reincarnated as a certain Manu, working in a certain palce in Germany......
Cas, u went off, even before i could say hi to you!
no buddy.. no samosaaas.. only T...
and by going mad time i meant analysing all tat has been done today!!!
hi casey... long time... well ya gg can teach u good hindi.. right Div??!!!
@PI, yeah maybe GoGo can teach her Sanskrit as well.....
yeah...I have read "viddhiakkal" veda many times..It sounds very interesting, quite insightful...would recommend it for anyone..since i don't believe in rebirths, it cannot be me and I guess even a 3rd century saint would never have my character even after a hundred rebirths if i were to believe it
Yeah PI, I can teach Casey some hinglish and manglish...
@ casey - good morning...woke up quite early????
oh did someone suggest that its you??!!!
duh!!! i wonder what koopa mandooka means by saying that stuff 'bout his character........ he was/is some narcissist???
hi autumnhush!
@ Div, Oh...sorry, my mistake, I wont be the only one!! so u got the name at last...is it?? Once a saint can never be bad as me..I'm too bad to be a "once upon a time saint"
hi autumnhush!!! looks like we got more company