Words, Words, Words - it's only words (Jul/21/2009 )
Eiffel Tower
@YRH- Having seen pictures of ice storms, I'm very glad I haven't experience one of those.
The airports in Scotland are closed due to ash from the icelandic volcano at the moment, so all go there, though I bet they get some fantastic sunsets.
So far I"ve climbed up 4 active volcanoes...more to come I hope.
@Nabisan- sleepy? I've been sleepy all week, I"m still stuck in the hell of concentrations, but I'll be off for a "working lunch" shortly to help with those. then its some more real time PCR and paper time. Onsen tonight as reward!
@Casandra : what if all the snow is shifted to one side of the globe - good enough to cause a quake? Yeah, Sakurajima is in Kagoshima.. I have seen the mountain from some distance. I had to get on a kanranshya to see the mountain. And last year, I went to the other volcano U in Kyushu - Mt. Aso.
@LiL: 4 active volcanos, eh. How were they?
yup, those are really scary...luckily, we didn't get a really bad one this year....4 active volcanos, eh? How far up were you allowed? Onsen, eh Lost-san.....Urayamashii desu ....
nice, BB-san and yup, it's Mt Aso..I remember it now-I've seen it....
cosmetic surgery
As for the volcanoes
Usu san - right to the edge of the steaming vents, it last erupted opening new vents in a village, which you can walk round
Tarumaesan- top was covered in cloud, technically you aren't supposed to walk in the central crater to the lava doom, but many do.
At Noboribetsu- walked through the hell valley and then round the volcanic lake (which nearly suffocated us with the fumes!)
Teide - couldn't get the last 200m to the summit without a permit, but walked round with all the fumaroles.
I'd love to see the ones on Hawaii and to see a real eruption (from a very safe distance- naturally)
the fumes almost got you...my gosh, how exciting....we were able to climb about a third of the way up sakurajima and then the volcanologists chased us off (actually, we weren't even supposed to get past a certain point but we did ) it was pretty active at that time...and yup, aren't we supposed to organise the bioforum conference in Hawaii?
million dollar man
Hawaii is fine for you and I but what about the South Asia cohort?
I fancy a BBQ over some lava- how about you?
million dollar baby
we are all going to PI's wedding, aren't we? We can have the first conference there. If there are volcanoes in India, we can have bbq there.
@Casandra : volcanologists chased you, eh. What did U say to them? 'gomennasai, nihongo wakarimasen.' or 'suimasen, kanji yomenai desu'
oh yes we all are going...and let's ask PI to find us some really active ones for the tandoori....
and yup, BB-san...the ever multi-purpose excuse even, or esp for breaking the law.......the ignorant gaijin, rather hakujin...
and now, time for my royal slumber, minna-san....and darn the time zones...enjoy the rest of your Thursday...matta ato de...oyasumi....
good night, Casandra. I have used that excuse too many times.
The stocks
I don't think you can ever under use that phrase enough