Words, Words, Words - it's only words (Jul/21/2009 )
St Ignatius
yup, and with a nasty bite too....so beware.......
where's my fly swatter?
burn out
oh but you're too lazy to even lift your hand...
and now it's time to enjoy the rest of my lazy Monday...you have a good night's rest my darling mean as ever old dude...sleep tight and don't let the fire ants bite...
well it depends on the occasion
good night darling, the similar mean RH...enjoy your holidays and the slothfulness
back burner
which occasion? the eating of junk food? This I believe.......nightynight dr H sweetie....
and it's feels good to be slothful...
Sun burn
Hello folks! How is everyone doing?
hey lil, will be doing more blots sometime soon, but i think it won't be up at durham how's you?
Lobster thermidore
I'm on a roll today- 3 experiments worth of images taken and put in a montage...I'm rewarding myself with a mug of tea and milkyway
lobster in a thermoflask
getting sugar high eh?
Kind of- I hope it lasts me through to leaving. I'm off to see Beautiful lies at the cinema tonight