Words, Words, Words - it's only words (Jul/21/2009 )
haunted house
What colour would you like- there's still chance to change
Adam's family
I would say blue. . . the Doraemon color. May be with a small pic of doraemon also - the ever-smiling and happy-looking cat even when blue.
gothic style
@BB-san: baddest?? Nobody has ever complained about my ideas before...it would be a hit....where's your creative and Christmas spirit? and we want pictures posted in the beautiful thread ...but let me think of some more...and forget about the ice cream maker- it's not good for your voice...how about some voice lessons instead...
@LiL-san....ok, scratch the replicas...I want the real deal this time (with provenance and all that jazz)...and those tiaras will make my huskies more majestic...
neo baroque
Nabi san- your wish is my command
Casu hime- likewise, I'll get my gang of elfs on the design just now
great Lil-san..my holiday is now looking brilliant as ever...can you ask them to do a mosaic- cubic figures to be more precise then dotted with swirls...
form follows function
Well I'll see what I can do... I'm working with temp elves, you just can't get the staff these days...
Wassily Chair
yup, I expect nothing less than your best..........perhaps, more incentives for the lazy elves?
oyasuminasai, LiL-san, BB-san..enjoy the rest of the Funday...
Oyasumi Hime sama, I'll try negotiations with the elf union..should help.
Wheel chair
tusi great ho ji (U r great) LiL san. I will wait at my door from today itself.
good night Casu-hime. whatever U do, U do the best. . so the idea was not just bad but the baddest. And, I am not forgetting about icecream maker.
how can icecream be bad for voice? Any evidence?
arm chair
I think ice cream is great for your voice, afterall they give it to children after having their tonsils out!