Words, Words, Words - it's only words (Jul/21/2009 )
Ok, what's the reference?
here U go If U cant find this, I will be losing my sleep too
hey BB-san...sorry I've no access now but if you can wait till next week ...and hi tj....so what's the problem? a guilty conscience?
try to find BB's paper then to appease it.....
till next week? I will be dead till then.
oh no, BB-san....you can't die while I'm on holidays.........tj- find him the darn paper .....how about Lost-san? She probably has access to it....or if push comes to shove, we can wake up dr H....
Morning guys! How is life in the world of science?
hey Sir LyQ...busy busy busy...I guess...hope you're as busy too....
Yeah...I just woke up and I am in my sofa...really busy...jejeje
sure sure........no rest for the busy.....busy lounging on the sofa....move your bum and go to work...
....btw, can you help find BB-san's paper? You don' want his scientific "death" on your conscience eh?
and now time for the highly effective royal beauty sleep.....oyasuminasai minna-san....buenas noches mes amis....
I will check once I am in the lab, like in 3 hours...now 3 hours more of being busy...jejejej