Words, Words, Words - it's only words (Jul/21/2009 )
salt lick
well, I hope they stay indefinitely- to annoy you more......wouldn't it be nice for the winter wimps...
well a colder winter would kick out some of the invasive plant and animal species from the south...therefore, why not...
Godfather II
sure, sure...like the cold will only target southern flora and fauna....you've to take care that your nose don't fall off from your face (that wouldn't be pretty) and you've to count your fingers all the time........
pffft....I grew up in the 80s, that were as cold as Canada today, therefore I've no problems.
ppfftt....as cold as Canada today? I doubt that... cos you still have a nose and twelve fingers, right?
well now global warming is there....and I just counted, every part at it's place...
you know even we know lined gloves/mitts, jackets, bots and Ushankas. Tuques are new of course...
..oh yeah, the only thing missing is your mind...but this has nothing to do with the cold..
how about electric blankets and carpets? or a boiling water bed? plus you don't have a sasquatch...
you know, I adapt to my environment here...
electric blankets too, but the rest are New World's decadent stuff... anyway we have the Nachtalb here...
excuses, excuses....
and what's a nachtalb..it sounds nasty already....
ey guys! Enjoying your weekend?
You should chek "Red" out, it is a quite entertaining movie! Bruce Willis still got it!