Words, Words, Words - it's only words (Jul/21/2009 )
mmm, that's a problem then. what's in there? Ours is clean and I was even thinking of trying onsen tamago someday.
Hogwarts express
I think ours is nearly empty (its not used v. often) we could probably get the black onsen eggs out of ours
super express
and that would be the breakfast?
starlight express
not for me, I hate eggs!
so, what is the plan for today?
double expressio
I should be setting up some real time pcr and starting to prepare another presentation for next weekend, how about you?
double trouble
I should try finishing some statistical analysis and I am not feeling like doing it right now.
doubled up
I can see why- I hate sadtistics statistics
any plans for the weekend?
O! it's not that bad. I love statistics like I have been saying. Just that I don't understand and I can't help doing it over and over - day and night. And, that's what I plan for the weekend also . . more statistics. I am in love with this. Speaking of love, yesterday I realized wish I could fall in love or have some strong bond with any nurse in the 11th floor.
7th heaven
Ooooh...maybe you need a minor injury that needs assistence from them?
I'll be stuck at statistics next week if I do these real time pcrs- firstly I must post my final pile of christmas presents.