Words, Words, Words - it's only words (Jul/21/2009 )
yeah..........i m a tubelight.........
why do u attempt cooking at all???? take a break, man....
suggestions for movie......umm..........u seen Wake up Sid???
chill!!!! now that i hv posted my word, where r u angry young man????
U're one huge tubelight!!!!
Felt like eating some naadan stuff...
I saw that 2 weeks ago...that was ok...watchable..Konkana sen was good!
ok then hv u seen kadha parayumbol??? myself hvnt seen WUS.........but my frnds found Konk horrible........they thought that she looked like RKs aunty
is that the srinivasan movie?? ok...barber balan...long time ago
Even I thought the same at first..But she does justice to the role...Its coz everyone wants to see Deepika Padukone or Bips with RK..Konkana is not so appealing (read SA) to most people!! not her fault, rather the perceptor's fault
hey........m feeling really sleepy.........its become so difficult nowadays to get up in the morning...........
bbye...i m off......zzzzzzzzzz...........
ok dude u got 2 tell me what do u mean by SA.........i dont understand these abbrev.
quick, or i will fall asleep in d lab........
ok...then bbye..cu tomorrow good night
Good Night GoGo............wish u a happy wknd
n u hv proved again dat i m a tubelight.........i guess it is the sleep effect........zzzzzzzzzz
ok ..go home and sleep well....U have a nice weekend too
hey, where did everyone go? ....I guess following my royal mandate and enjoying POETs day...have a nice weekend you guys...
the Indian chitchat-party is over? I'm here now...