Words, Words, Words - it's only words (Jul/21/2009 )
I guess it's time to quote him sometimes, e.g. about women
he's still unmatched.
And loitering is more harmless? To rag perhaps...?
oh yeah, sure...don't forget the ones about men, too. And loitering is a harmless "activity" but laden with potential to do mischief....to bum around perhaps....
there is one for men? must have overlooked it ....to bum..I see: bioforum is your beach then?
well, of course, at least there shld be......but let me check it out and if there isn't, then I would amend it myself.... and yup, bioforum is my beach among other beaches...
...and yours too so don't get stuffy about it...
mood swing
well for me it's more a hammock not such a beach fan...And of course in Bierce's is a section about man (and males):
MAN, n. An animal so lost in rapturous contemplation of what he thinks he is as to overlook what he indubitably ought to be. His chief occupation is extermination of other animals and his own species, which, however, multiplies with such insistent rapidity as to infest the whole habitable earth and Canada.
Had to post it here, you can imagine why...
ups and downs
of course it's a hammock for you...you're scared of the water ...perfect description except I don't see any rapid multiplication of this pest here in Canada...must be our wondrous, cure-all weather....
I guess he mentioned Canada only in order to distinguish it from the habitable earth.
to and fro
ppffttt...but what does he know anyways... ...and we're here now and thriving eh...a living proof...
well at his time Canada was a wilderness...like now but without the comfortable big and small cities, almost perfect infrastructure and survival packs in the cars... , I guess because of this he found it inhabitable
hope he froze his bum off when he was visiting.......and you forgot our underground cities...