Words, Words, Words - it's only words (Jul/21/2009 )
hey guys...hi dr H...it's raining beavers and foxes here........too bad about the no drinking weekend.....
as long as it's not snowing elks and wolves... .
And some rum in my tea, is a good alternative...
..or sausages and beer....so don't get drunk on your tea.....we've still lots of work to do.....no rest for the weary, dr H...
...to ashes
don't worry it's just laced tea... and I won't work today, except reading some papers...
don't work too much darling, it's weekend...good bye then over-busy RH
really, lazybones......and I'm taking a break now to check up on the latest gossip....anything new happening on your side of the pond, dr H....
Hi Mlle C, here some forgotten suitcases and plastic bags paralyse the railway traffic...
yours, I presume? bad doctor.......time to switch to paper bags, dr H...and paper suitcases as well....
nope, I won't forget such stuff and it's too expensive too in these days...
are you sure? your memory could be playing tricks on you these days......so what's inside the suitcases? butterfly nets?
ppffft...then I won't be here, but searching my stuff somewhere ...and I never had a butterfly net...