Words, Words, Words - it's only words (Jul/21/2009 )
then the liquour can wait until after you're done with the sectioning..perfect timing is the key, am I not always right, Lost-san?.....ok, ladies (where did BB-san go) tho it pains my blue-blooded heart, I've to retire now to my royal chamber, I don't want any royal wrinkles cropping up...goodnight mes amis...and hope you'd have a good rest of the Tuesday..oyasuminasai....
am I late to wish her majesty goodnight?
I was out for lunch and it just got too long.
hey all!!
Hi Nabi....how is Stati???
Hi PI...
had 2 chng my word!
your PI
dead cells
Hi, DRN. She is doing fine. We are still going steady. Thx for asking. She says Hi to U too.
say my hi to stati too!!! whoever she/he/it is!!!
hi Div....
y u angry PI????
Stati is Nabs' sweetheart
Nabs, say my Hi to her as well, if u don't mind being the messenger....