Words, Words, Words - it's only words (Jul/21/2009 )
Obama nobelprize...? I like the idea but he's now to prove that he's worth it...if he changes the US back to normal (i.e. to the before Bush and Reagan times) and that it again fits in to the western world (and come to terms with the Eastern parts of the world) he deserves it...but now it's maybe more a burden than a honour.
under the rug
I have not seen the list of the other nominees tho but I've to say that I was just as surprised as he was ...
but do you think it's really a butt kissing issue? I don't think so...perhaps they didn't wanted to blame the Chinese is the same criticism but vice versa...
....traditionally (tho there are probably exceptions) it shld be awarded for accomplisments not for intent or a show of promise...so the "premature" criticism is valid.....so I agree, it's more of a burden cos he has to prove his critics wrong and accomplish what he promises or stands for....
agent provocateur
and that's what he also noticed himself, he sounded not very happy or proud, but surprised and will take it as incentive..perhaps the best way to deal with it....
yes, he was surprised and humbled....a good sign I think...and hopefully, real....and there's no backing out now....