Words, Words, Words - it's only words (Jul/21/2009 )
Hubert J. Farnsworth
beautiful female students what else?
good news, everyone.....
...no wonder they seem interesting for you...like I suggested before...you shld get out more dr H...and stop the cradle-snatching...
suicide missions
just substitute talk during the day..."do you have this paper? How much of the loading dye should I use? what species is that critter?" and all that... more nurse work...
my gosh...blablablapaper...blablabladye...blablablabug...and that's interesting for you? ...for the third time, dr H...you shld get out more...
..or you can talk with me...
divine wind
well depends....and you're not available during the day...
La Divina Commedia
well there is that....and that's just too bad for you..the unjust universe........but then you'd get a lot more of the blablablabla....<ooops, I swallowed a bug> kind of interesting discourse...
well I could try to talk to them about other stuff...should I?
oh yeah sure.......goodnight my DOM....darling old man ...
...sleep tight...
good night JYL, have a safe way home....
hi casey, hob. The reading has only just begun . Looks like you are winding down for the evening.