Words, Words, Words - it's only words (Jul/21/2009 )
hi Adrian...am not sure about dr H but I believe more in the "teach the dude how to fish" than "give the dude some fish" philosophy........just hurry up and finish your stuff so you don't need to beg anymore....
and Adrian can't be a buttler cos he has to live in the lab....
well I guess he'll also do lab work for you, though not for free...and a kitchen is more or less a lab...
oh yeah...and like you're the master chef...let's hope your creations are at least edible....(and your results believable.)...
yes polyacrylamide sauté and deglazed with TBE buffer...for you it's free....
sure, sure...and with a dash of mercuric chloride and a sprinkling of cyanide.....yum, yum........
this you will need after eating your dish...
that's what you'd feel like doing anyways....and I have to see you taste it first...you're the designated taster.......
or you have to in order to increase your chance of survival ...and I guess I'll first feed your fishes with it....very sensitive detectors....
no way...feed Spidey first...if it doesn't puke or breakdance then perhaps we can feed my fishies...
spidey only eats living and moving animals...no chance