Words, Words, Words - it's only words (Jul/21/2009 )
spidey can walk on water surfaces and has long fangs, i.e. cheliceres and it's much bigger...perhaps it even will disembowel the fish for the sushi
hot springs
but perhaps I'll knock it out first, accidentally of course drop it in and then my fish can disembowel its cheliceres and make it wear the pink tutu...and another will take the damning photos...
sure...I should have known that you made your poor fish to your Oompa-Loompas
anyway spiders are not outknockable
like I said, they're properly trained...and I've a very good silicone spatula which is effective for anything esp knocking out spiders...and if it still doesn't work, I've my beautiful beaded designer stiletto shoes- they work every time- first to hypnotise the victim and then to knock it out...
rye and okra
you forgot, it's not a human being
oh yeah, for humans, you need the nice legs that go with them...
and I've to leave now, to wear those shoes ...after all tis Friday, the best day of the working week ...have a good remainder of the night my darling absent-minded, can't focus old dude (or is it drunk)
..enjoy the rest of your Friday evening and have a good day tomorrow too ...
that should be no problem for you
good night then darling fish-enslaving RH...don't forget to take off the pink tutu
Martin Luther King
which? knocking Spidey into the tank?
and no more pink tutus for my fish...just feathers and pearls.....goodnight, sweetie..and feed Spidey before it starts fishing....
civil-rights activist
more the nice legs
bye darling, enjoy your sushi later
hey guys...hope everyone's resting or doing something exciting (like chores and stuff ) this Saturday...
hi dr H...and no sushi, fortunately for my fish.....