Words, Words, Words - it's only words (Jul/21/2009 )
Et tu, Brute?
energy waster
mais oui
and you're just envious cos you're sweating like a horse.......
back stabber
Our heatwave lasted one and half days- its nice and cool here again.
hi Dr Hob- hows life in dangerous vegetable land?
maize field
whereas you're shivering like an European in Canada's winter
good bye darling...see you later or tomorrow...
well, the same here Lost-san..and now it's gonna rain again...ppffttt...we want the sun back.....
and dr H wouldn't know what a vegetable is.....
Hung, drawn and quartered
The sun is here- is just accompanied by chilly northerly winds
Perhaps if the vegetable was in liquid alcholic form- although that would make it even more dangerous
pirate's fate
Hi Lost, didn't saw your post...and the vegetable is edible again, except sprouts...
and Mlle C is spreading false rumours as usual...
lovers' fate
...you don't even know what sprouts are dr H...a good thing we don't import them from Germany....
well the important point is where you get the seeds from
and I know what sprouts are: vegetables, as pale as a Canadian after a long winter...
well, definitely and luckily not from you....
and look who's talking...you guys are paler and you don't even have winter...