Words, Words, Words - it's only words (Jul/21/2009 )
hey guys.. good morning!!!
hey PI, how's it going....McLost- I'm starting to like this name more and more.....I have a scottish friend who could drop his accent and speak with an english accent better than an englishman..except when he's tanked up...then all that's missing were the bagpipes......
Things are fine here... waiting for Nabi and his road trip experiences and some photos!!!
U must have slept off by now.. good night...
When I'm back in the beautiful country I can sound more Scottish, but not so much.
Hi LiL.. hows ur work shapin up??
Last time i remember u were doing some critical exp!!
@ Lost-san: but you'd be oh so polite..doling out all your dozos and thank yous and welcomes and pleases with that beautiful scottish accent......might be a culture shock for your family though....
and you're right PI....time for my royal rest.....have a great rest of your Tuesdays, minna-san.....ato de and oyasumi....say hi to BB-san for me...
G'night your highness...sleep tight!
Hello PI- works coming along, so lovely western blots but a negative result so we continue...
Talks and conferences are approaching very shortly so I'm gearing up for that
moon walk
ya i rememebr the conference.... tell us wen its in india!!!
all the best for ur westerns and the preparations for conferences!!!
It seems Nabi s on a road lag now after the much discussed Jet lag of his!!!
space walk
I think he is! Though its a pretty long driving around kyushu.
My conference isn't in India unfortunately, only in the south of Japan this time.
useless talk
Sometime iof its in india and u give us free passes we l attend!!!