Words, Words, Words - it's only words (Jul/21/2009 )
yup, good advice swanny so I edited my previous post.....and this too....
fast food
merci pour la complement , although why am I madame Perdue- je suis prefere Madamoiselle Perdue, c'est tu.
I think I'll stop there with my french, I"m making it up as I go along
....but Madame Perdue sounds better....but if you prefer the mademoiselle, sure why not....Mlle Perdue, your birthday is coming up....anything in your wish list?
True- Madame Perdue does sounds like some kind of spy name
I'd like someone to right my paper for me for my birthday, but cake and ice cream is always welcome
....an alter ego then--when you're feeling more adventurous...hmmm...cake and ice cream, that's too easy, Lost-san... how about a gorgonzola blue cheese ice cream and fish cake?
Star quality.
What type of fish?
I'd have the fishcake, but I'll pass on the gorgonzola ice cream- I'm not a blue cheese fan.
Perhaps I really need a dictionary and a spellchecker ....right instead of write...thats pretty bad even for me.
Madame Perdue is losing the use of her brain today
star struck
what else- kamaboko, the pink celebratory one...made from pureed white fish and really perfect for birthdays....is that nice enough, swanny? I don't want to edit again ...
Mlle Perdue can right as many mistakes as she wants.......have to go now, mes amis....to my royal chambers....have a good rest of your Tuesday guys...
Lightning strike
I'll think about the kamaboko...
G'night YRH...hope your royal chamber is heated and cozy
am fine. just little lost getting lazier and lazier. . have to make all my figures 'again!'
. .. yeah am a little lost hehe . . had to change the word