Words, Words, Words - it's only words (Jul/21/2009 )
blue baby
What, no photoshopped rathorse? Cas, you're slipping.
Now, what is a rathorse? Is it a horse like a rat or a rat like a horse?
Top ramen
Good morning e'body!!!!
Momofuko Ando
Let's see what HRH Casey digs up. I'm done (yay!), so I'm signing off for the night. Maybe I'll try some more commercial sushi. The barbequed eel shelf-sushi was horrendous, but maybe shrimp won't be so bad.
(Hi and goodbye DRN!)
he's back again?
Edit that labrat : it should be Hello Goodbye . Good Bye, LaRa. Hope to see U galloping tomorrow.
bbye LaRa...
Hi, DRN. What do U have today?
...goodnight LaRa and I don't do photoshopping...hey Div, good you're here now cos I'm soro soro...have a good post-hump day guys and go easy on the Hindi lessons and insider trading, my royal person demands to be included.......
...and now I'm pretty sure I'd change my word..nope I don't need to....
BBye Cas..........njoy ur royal beauty sleep ......... what to do........Her Excellency goes off to sleep whenever I come............
@Nabi..........u first tell me the story..........ur punishment.....
Dr. Who.
That was not a mistake. I think U missed my last post yesterday. I meant to say 'I will again face ur Hindi test tomorrow' . . so 'deykhunga' rather than 'milunga'