Words, Words, Words - it's only words (Jul/21/2009 )
bye darling...don't drink too much
nope, perhaps only a sugar-load........oh no, the ants are following me....your fault, darling...
...good night...
over beethoven
Canada has ants? Good night SD
under orders
Hello Everyone!
Akemashite omedetou...Happy New Year...Hurrah next weekend is a holiday weekend here!
out of order
Akemashite omedetougozaimashu, LiL-san. Kotoshimo yorosikuonegaishimasu.
How was the holiday?
hors service
akemashite omedatou gozaimasu, minna-san...kotoshii mo yoroshiku onegaishimasu....hey BB-san, Lost-san....I had a sushi party tonight......oishiikattan desu....
hors d'oeuvre
Kotoshi mo yoroshiku onegaishimasu (that would be the 10th time I've said that so far!)
Sushi party - Eeeee neee! urameshii...
My New Year was quiet, finally saw Avatar though!
happy new year too...
we're back to our favourite topics again dr H.....so we don't go cold turkey.......
seems more your favourite one....