Words, Words, Words - it's only words (Jul/21/2009 )
seems so , but you started it...anyway as accomplished bachelor, procrastination of such chores is easily done
rumour mongering
but you are soo cheap so you won't get one and you'd just procrastinate all the time therefore becoming more and more accomplished as a bachelor..I can just imagine what you write on your CV.....
but you also not, sounds similar cheap and my CV? nothing to do with it, I procrastinate chores because of the work load at my job, that's true...
..I'm not cheap...it's just that I can do the job myself...and I meant on your CV in the accomplishments part, you'd write: bachelorhood (due to sole devotion to lab work) ...and I admire you for this...
I'm also not cheap...and i can do the job myself, too....but there's just more important stuff...not all are obsessed with it
obsessed with what or whom? a buttler? well, I'm not...
is it still a Freudian slip that you write buttler? and you're obsessed with cleaning up
nope, I just like to spell it that way ...and I am never obsessed..I just like everything clean and smelling good...
sure sure... and "like everything clean and smelling good" is an euphemism for obsessed cleaning?
Lord of the Rings
nope, nope....it means what it says...
and I've to go now and clean my stuff ...enjoy the rest of your Saturday my darling dearest..I-am-not-obsessed-like-you old dude...have a great day tomorrow too