Words, Words, Words - it's only words (Jul/21/2009 )
small pox
good morning whoever is still hangin around!!!!
arctic fox
hey PI...I'm still here tho not for long...blame it on the time zones ...howz it going?
mary s a fox
yeah hectic... boring... terrific.. mixed emotions they cal it!!!
wassup ur side of the planet???
foxy lady
or you're just confused or in denial.......so you better take it easy and relax...
we're kinda freezing on this side of the planet.....and it's not even officially winter yet....
ok...my time's up now....good night guys...and PI, hope you have a good rest of the Thursday....you're almost there
lady in red
yeah yeah... goood night!!! how do the police say in your region?? boil????!!!! they cant say freeze as all are already frozen...
red riding hood
Hey Prep!
hey Div... hows u??!!!
Hi guys, bye guys.
* this is funny, I had posted this at around 8:30am and now it appears . . anyways, changing the word and running.
Hi Nabs, Bye Nabs..........
m fine, Prep, hw r u???? swine flu in our campus
oh boyy.. u take care too!!!
its baaad... i ve seen my friend suffering!!!