Words, Words, Words - it's only words (Jul/21/2009 )
can't take showers without it.......
I, Robot
Hi all.
hello, swanny. how is the day so far?
yeah, swanny.....how's your 15 degree- winter? Do you need a tuque? ....
how was the day, casandra?
Hiya all, I trust we're all well and happy (it is Friday, or nearly) for us
not exactly. . I want Friday to be tomorrow. . I need an extra day to finish my work before the weekend so that I can sit doing nothing in the weekend.
nabi, the day has reached the best part... home time! Today is POETS DAY here (Push Off Early, Tomorrow'S Saturday), and I feel it's important to celebrate these significant societal festivals (or at least that's what I tell myself!! )
Casandra, we actually had 25 deg today, with three more days of the same predicted. The only down side to this is that the bamboo and grass will start growing again!
Well, my friends, I hope you had a good week, and will have a good weekend.
arranges . .
bamboo and grass? But, no Panda?
have a good weekend. .