Words, Words, Words - it's only words (Jul/21/2009 )
Its definately on its way here- the leaves have been turning since August
yeah, this year summer sucked!!!
omg...looks who's here...the great batman himself.......welcome back Sir LyQ and hope you're still fighting crime and corruption....
oh and for a change, our summer was not that bad...
Yep- it has sucked here, Autumn is shaping up to be similar.
And hello to Casu hime on the other side of the pond.... are you after the position of sidekick with LQ?
hey Lost-san....as Batgirl? oh no.....I prefer to be on the other more exciting side ...so I definitely see myself as the lithe and super sleek Catwoman.....meow.......
with envy
I see....which catwoman though? the michelle pfieffer or halle berry, or perhaps the new one?
Hi folks, super-heroines small talk?
poison ivy
Yes...its important to keep our style and skills honed
The Joker
yeah, actually lately I found myself on the other side of the law...I received one of those nice letters in which they claim I have to pay 1000 euros because I downloaded a movie....so, I think I am not really fighting crime, more like I am promoting it!!
bat world
hi LQ, where did you download?
and Lost, especially the style is important I guess...