Words, Words, Words - it's only words (Jul/21/2009 )
not both...calling that song sappy!
were u listening to that again now??
oh well! i find it so.....i mean, not that i am saying i don't like senti ones.............but this one is too...umm........i dunno..........i hv aversion to this one...........or it cud b cuz i hvn't got the meaning properly............hey, but i don't like the music composition also.........only one of Raveendran's that i don't like........i guess....
y do u ask that???
purely personal choice..I cant help;) I dont watch the video..I just listen to the song
That was not the answer
Ali Baba
yeah of course, its personal choice n who asked u to help nway? actually,i heard this song while watching the movie....
well the answer is, if i hv formed an opinion, i don't hv to go back n listen again..............there are many other songs which i wud prefer to listen...........btw, i was listening to pularkala sundara swapnathil...........
Baba sehgal
Hmm...very stern decision! so what do u do in such instances when u find that some previous statement that u made was wrong?
if i am wrong, i admit so....i hve never had any qualms admitting my mistakes....
That's fine
hey, its already late there, isnt it?...u still working??
same as before
thank u for passing a favourable judgement....
no. work over, finishing off my dinner.........
deja vu
you're most welcome
Is this what they call dinner at midnight? or minutes to midnight !!
ordered from outside.......the guy got it late n then it was too much...........didn't wanna waste so eating slowly .......
10 minutes to midnight...........time for cindrella to hurry