Words, Words, Words - it's only words (Jul/21/2009 )
Next Tuesday. I have an order of Salmiakki for you remember- I'm sure you won't forget the taste in a hurry
That's close. U must be doing the packing then.
Yeah, I will not be forgetting the taste and I liked it. For how long are you going? Any other plans beside the conference?
Just a week, hopefully squeeze in a visit to Tallinn in Estonia for a day- its a really beautiful medievil town. Shopping and catching up with some friends at the conference and a visit from the family. So enough for a week
wow! that's a lot of things to do in a week. When do U have natsuyasumi then?
of the world
For about 9 hours before flying back to Nihon There's 2 national holidays coming soon though
haha, thats a long natsuyashumi. Yeah, I need more of thos holidays to finish my work.
yep, don't work too hard Nabi though!
haha, U dont know me yet then. I am the laziest person you will ever come across and I take an awful lot of time to do the simplest task unless there is a deadline. But, right now, I think I cannot beat the reviewers. They are taking such a long time to review my first revision. In 4th week now
is where the heart is
Ha! I can soooooo beat you with a 6month wait for reviewers comments- even with emailing them regularly for updates to "prod" them
6 months? U are scaring me now. I need to graduate ASAP and they don't know that