Words, Words, Words - it's only words (Jul/21/2009 )
me and casey are talking to u div!!!!
ok now u replied!!!
e'one seems to be getting angry at me on the forum nowadays!!!! i did reply.................hv to do work also, guys...
so which fan club are we a part of, PI???? indian fan club, huh????
bbye Cas.............glorious royal sleep to you
tere may be many interpretations... one more can be tat hob meant me and gg are ur fans and he etc who operate on other times are casey s fans.. and he also mentioned that in tat case he s more than a fan!!!
that may be cause indian time zone chat is revolving around u and theirs is around casey!!!!
that's funny!
i just hope he doesn't think i m a part of Rajnikant fan club!!!!
nyway, i couldn't understand but kept the discussion going in circles!!!! maybe i was almost near....
that is the indian way of keeping any topic alive!!!!
Good morning guys, Have a gr8 moanday
hey gg... how was ur sunday??
and more importantly how was ur road trip with that female??!!!
I'm in the lab ...a lot of work to be done today
Hey PI, it turned out fine..We came to my place in the evening and cooked some rice and dal...It came out well..I was never good at making dal..so that was a nice return of the favor
good for u gg!!!
Enjoy the work today....
yeah..I'm going to enjoy it!!
howz ur day going PI?