Words, Words, Words - it's only words (Jul/21/2009 )
flying tiger
talking of aliens, tonight i might watch the low budget "monsters". looks interesting
tiger airways
tonight, i'm watching hot fuzz or shaun of the dead... haven't decided yet.
asia travel
both of them are good options
changi airport
i've got a fun night ahead.
the whole institute was just given x-mas presents... i've never have that happen before.
robin hood airport
nice, welcome to europe
robin hood and little john
is this common?
robin and batman
we get chocolate every wednesday on the news
batman v joker
is it good chocolate?
David and Goliath
hey guys.....we're having more snow....-17 degrees here with the windchill.....woohooo.......hey V, tj...what about the snowball fight of the century?
pinky and the brain
all of the snow melted
we had -17'C with wind chill the other week... stay warm sweetie.