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Top : Forum Archives: : Protein-and-Proteomics
991. Protein Solubility - How to determine? (reply: 2)
992. Problem in IP (too high background) - mAb shows a lot of backgroud+light chain. (reply: 3)
993. Proteomics - Disulphide bond (reply: 1)
994. why did the membrane protein disapear again? - (reply: 3)
995. how to detect antigen of low concentration? - (reply: 5)
996. E coli protein extraction for EMSA - (reply: 1)
997. Isolation membrane proteins in "cell-friendly" buffer - extracted proteins need to be tested in in vitro models (reply: 1)
998. Antibody crossreactivity - (reply: 1)
999. Photoshop your Western Blots - (reply: 4)
1000. WB quick question - (reply: 8)
1001. Recipe needed for native gel - (reply: 1)
1002. ugly bots in immunoblotting - (reply: 9)
1003. Voltage and running time for IEF - (reply: 1)
1004. ATPase assay - malachite green (reply: 1)
1005. Chemiluminescent protein marker - (reply: 3)
1006. Working with Phospho-antibodies in Tissues - Phospho antiboedies (reply: 11)
1007. Phosphatase activity after IP - (reply: 2)
1008. loading controls for western. which one to choose? - (reply: 5)
1009. Cannot get any protein overexpression in Rosetta? - (reply: 1)
1010. Protein- prtein interactions - (reply: 2)
1011. undetectable signal in 2D-WB - (reply: 9)
1012. Silver stain Protein detection - Silver stain problem (reply: 4)
1013. anyone had elute protein from PVDF and use it for mass spec? Thanks - (reply: 3)
1014. Preventing protein aggregation - (reply: 2)
1015. western blot of phosphorylated proteins - (reply: 4)
1016. Difference bwtween BME and DTT in sample buffer for WB after IP - (reply: 10)
1017. cell wall protein extraction of gram-positive - (reply: 1)
1018. GST and His tagged proteins - Does the GST give problems in His tag purification? (reply: 5)
1019. ampholytes for iso-electric focusing in an alkaline type range.. say 9-11 or pre - suppliers? (reply: 3)
1020. advice needed for IP (revised) - (reply: 1)