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511. How much antobody to bind to bacterial culture? - (reply: 1)
512. detecting small membrane protein by western blot - (reply: 4)
513. Freezed antibodies - (reply: 2)
514. Protein quantification with BSA? - (reply: 2)
515. Please help me! I am really tired of this stupid protein purification! - (reply: 8)
516. the weak signal in the middle bane,blur and high background - Western blot : caspase3 (reply: 2)
517. more protein can give a band shift on a SDS-PAGE? - (reply: 1)
518. wetern for membrane associated protein - (reply: 1)
519. How to keep protein in Phosphatased Form - Run Co-IP need to have protein in phosphatased form (reply: 4)
520. GST pulldown optimization - (reply: 1)
521. Protein Sample - How to store it? (reply: 1)
522. protein polysorbate 80 separation method? - (reply: 3)
523. protein marker for 2D-PAGE - (reply: 2)
524. Antibodies for different epitope giving bands of different sizes in the same sam - (reply: 1)
525. IP - (reply: 2)
526. [In vitro Kinase assay] Do phosphorylated proteins migrate more in SDS-PAGE? - (reply: 3)
527. crisis! - We run out of Whatman paper... (reply: 2)
528. sodium azide - (reply: 3)
529. Do antibody solutions settle? - (reply: 2)
530. High MW smear - how can I get all protein into the gel? - (reply: 3)
531. Measurement of protein- protein interaction? - (reply: 2)
532. Simple anti-His WB not working - (reply: 4)
533. gelatin zymography problem - (reply: 2)
534. uneven bands from Immunoprecipitation - (reply: 5)
535. Bradford vs 280 protein quantification - BSA standard vs cell lysates (reply: 4)
536. HPV E7 protein - (reply: 1)
537. Where can I buy high quality synthetic peptides at a reasonable price? - (reply: 4)
538. Co-Ip - bands in my pre-clearing controls - pre-clearing step - how to improve it? (reply: 2)
539. SDS-page and the bottom of the gel - SDS-page (reply: 7)
540. IgG light chain amino acid sequence from pigs/rabbits/humans? - (reply: 1)