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2401. plasmid purification from mammalian cells? - (reply: 4)
2402. Restriction digestion of PCR product - (reply: 3)
2403. genomic DNA is getting degraded while isolation - (reply: 2)
2404. stable cell line - how it work? (reply: 4)
2405. neomycine - sequence (reply: 6)
2406. Problems with PCR for GATEWAY - I'd get rid of 100-150bp unspecific band!!! (reply: 5)
2407. Semiquantitative PCR - I need some orientation, please (reply: 8)
2408. in situ hybridisation - protocol (reply: 3)
2409. HS competent cells in -20 - are they still usable (reply: 2)
2410. GST-purification multiple band problem - GST-purification (reply: 1)
2411. Pfx polymerase for site-directed mutagenesis - (reply: 2)
2412. Codon Replacement - (reply: 4)
2413. Transgenic construction to study a promoter - (reply: 3)
2414. How long can extacted total RNA last? - (reply: 11)
2415. OH, another unknown vector (oh, sorry I got it finally) - pLysS (reply: 1)
2416. How a copy no.& insert no. could be find out in a transgenics - (reply: 1)
2417. crown gall / Agrobacterium tumefaciens 33970 - genetic transformation of some medicinal plant (reply: 2)
2418. PCR product as template in another PCR - going crazy (reply: 5)
2419. energy coupling - (reply: 2)
2420. aminoacid - phosphorilation (reply: 5)
2421. Promoter Sequences - E.coli sequence & determining the promoter (reply: 4)
2422. phosphorylation - specific site (reply: 1)
2423. Resuspended DNA in false buffer! - How to precipitate? (reply: 5)
2424. Urgent stuff about western blotting - (reply: 9)
2425. mutagenesis in Enterococcus spp - (reply: 2)
2426. degraded DNA in PFGE - (reply: 6)
2427. RTPCR vs Northern blotting - (reply: 1)
2428. protoplast preparation and transfection - protoplast! O'God! (reply: 5)
2429. Restriction enzyme specificity for thymine and DNA - are thymine/uracil and DNA/RNA interchangeable? (reply: 1)
2430. RE cutting mechanism - Is there P at the 5' end? (reply: 1)