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Top : Forum Archives: : Molecular-Biology
691. Poor ligation efficiency using Invitrogen TOP10 and XLI-blue cells - (reply: 5)
692. Xba I subcloning problem - (reply: 6)
693. how to isolate ORF by PCR - (reply: 1)
694. SNPs: blood and tissue - (reply: 1)
695. Resuspend RNA in TE or ddH2O? - (reply: 2)
696. scintillation counting for luciferase assay - (reply: 1)
697. Lysis buffer for luciferase assay - (reply: 1)
698. sample size calculation - (reply: 1)
699. Normal agarose gel vs formaldehyde agarose gel - (reply: 1)
700. restriction enzyme digestion problem - (reply: 8)
701. Methylase negative strains? - (reply: 3)
702. which part of gene is needed for normal expression in vector - (reply: 2)
703. Mann Whitney U test or Scheffe? - (reply: 6)
704. Help, sequestial digest - (reply: 1)
706. protocol to use Shrimp DNase - (reply: 2)
707. Literature for finding a gene-specific promoter? - (reply: 5)
708. Can a UV crosslinker be used on enzymes, reagents and liquids in general? - (reply: 2)
709. how to isolate gene through PCR - (reply: 3)
710. Extremely precious sample with degraded DNA - what to do? - (reply: 1)
711. New to RNA... Does this cDNA gel look OK? - (reply: 2)
712. Northern blotting - How to chose a probe for Norther blot? (reply: 2)
713. Genomic DNA from S2 cells - is there an easy protocol? (reply: 2)
714. Why do I get only white colonies that do not grow in the midst liquid? - Troubes with cloning in pGEM-T (reply: 6)
715. Different Patterns on Different Agaroses.... - ...Why? (reply: 10)
716. Second-strand synthesis - why use ligase? - DNA polI - mediated SSS (reply: 1)
717. Quantitation of DNA - and good, fast products that I don't know about? (reply: 2)
718. How to target a gene for deletion - (reply: 2)
719. Screening Tranformation Colonies: Funny Gel Pic and no plasmid?!?! - (reply: 10)
720. RNA extraction-PCI method-how to shear genomic DNA - method (reply: 2)