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4261. Problem in Multiplex PCR - Multiplex PCR (reply: 3)
4262. Southern blot not working - help (reply: 2)
4263. Formalin-fixed tissue - DNA extraction - (reply: 3)
4264. PCR small framents - (reply: 2)
4265. unique restriction sites - (reply: 2)
4266. nonspecific band after purification - (reply: 2)
4267. DNA extraction from dried urine sample - (reply: 2)
4268. RNA extraction from nitrogen-frozen tissue - (reply: 2)
4269. still gDNA after DNase treatment??:( - (reply: 8)
4270. Extracting RNA from skin - Isolation and concentration (reply: 1)
4271. TOPO TA Vector Cloning problem - no colonies - (reply: 5)
4272. DNA and RNA Extraction - Help (reply: 9)
4273. PCR optimization - (reply: 12)
4274. FLAG-Immunoprecipitation - (reply: 1)
4275. The same PCR gives different results?? - PCR (reply: 1)
4276. no band obtain after PCR - (reply: 2)
4277. Northern Advice - What DNA vs cRNA probes (reply: 3)
4278. Inconsistent RT-PCR results - (reply: 1)
4279. Problem with subcloning - (reply: 3)
4280. Methods - 50 ssDNA fragment (reply: 2)
4281. Problem with PCR - (reply: 4)
4282. need suggestions about using Pfu Turbo - (reply: 8)
4283. The DNA pellet that just won't resuspend - DNA extraction Large Scale (reply: 15)
4284. Tough Bacteria Break Up Method? - Isolation DNA and RNA from Gram Positive Staphy (reply: 3)
4285. inactivating DNA/RNA with 70% ethanol - (reply: 3)
4286. Odd curve of Gel purified PCR product - (reply: 5)
4287. Problem with RBC lysis - The darn things won't lyse! (reply: 6)
4288. Making EDTA solutions - Which form of EDTA salt to use? (reply: 1)
4289. effect of dna with ethanol overnight - (reply: 5)
4290. primers for SoE - (reply: 1)