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Top : Forum Archives: : Molecular-Biology
4231. Double digestion/ligation problem - (reply: 4)
4232. RT-PCR for large fragment - (reply: 7)
4233. High quality gDNA - need recommendation for purification method (reply: 1)
4234. How to design random primers - (reply: 2)
4235. design pcr primers - (reply: 3)
4236. PCR amplification of >6Kbp DNA - (reply: 2)
4237. How to get rid of guanidinium contamination - RNA purfication (reply: 5)
4238. RT-PCR problem - negative control (reply: 1)
4239. Random genoic amplification for microarray - (reply: 4)
4240. Concentrating RNA advice needed - (reply: 1)
4241. real-time thresholds - purpose? - (reply: 1)
4242. real-time PCR - Multiple melting curve peaks (reply: 18)
4243. phenol contamination - (reply: 2)
4244. gDNA isolation kit? - (reply: 3)
4245. restriction enzyme digestion problem - (reply: 7)
4246. Annealing the oligoes - (reply: 2)
4247. Pfu did not work? - (reply: 7)
4248. Degenerate PCR troubleshooting - (reply: 3)
4249. A problem of quantitative PCR - (reply: 2)
4250. DNA estimation - (reply: 2)
4251. RNA storage - -20 or-70°C? (reply: 2)
4252. cDNA storage stability issues - cDNA storage (reply: 2)
4253. How long are glycerol stocks viable? - (reply: 1)
4254. Phenol+pH for RNA extraction - phenol-chloroform isoamylalcohol extraction (reply: 4)
4255. gDNA PCR - (reply: 2)
4256. maximum size for PCR - (reply: 3)
4257. Ethanol precipitation - can't get rid of all the EtOH! (reply: 4)
4258. TA cloning Vector - to prepare it myself (reply: 1)
4259. RNase in RNA - QC for RNase in RNA (reply: 3)
4260. primer design problem - (reply: 1)